*Covid-19 and Water (Farhad Mukhtarov, Elissaios Papyrakis, Matthias Rieger), 2022. *Matthias Rieger, rieger@issl *Replicates my section 12.5 in the chapter; data downloaded on March 17, 2021 via wbopendata clear wbopendata, indicator(SH.STA.ODFC.ZS;SH.STA.STNT.ZS;SH.STA.HYGN.ZS) clear long keep if incomelevelname=="Low income" | incomelevelname=="Lower middle income" keep if year >1999 & year <2018 egen average_stunting=mean(sh_sta_stnt_zs) , by(countrycode) egen average_od=mean(sh_sta_odfc_zs) , by(countrycode) egen average_wash=mean(sh_sta_hygn_zs) , by(countrycode) twoway (scatter average_stunting average_od, mlabel(countryname) mlabsize(tiny)) (lfit average_stunting average_od) if year==2017, scheme(s1mono) legend(off) ytitle("Prevalence of stunting (% of children < 5)") xtitle("Population practicing open defecation (in %)") twoway (scatter average_stunting average_wash, mlabel(countryname) mlabsize(tiny)) (lfit average_stunting average_wash) if year==2017, scheme(s1mono) legend(off) ytitle("Prevalence of stunting (% of children < 5)") xtitle("Population with basic handwashing facilities (in %)") su average_stunting average_od average_wash if year==2017 pwcorr average_stunting average_od if year==2017, sig pwcorr average_stunting average_wash if year==2017, sig reg average_stunting average_od if year==2017, robust display -23.57481*.1875979 display (-23.57481*.1875979)/33.86689 reg average_stunting average_wash if year==2017, robust display (100-35.4714)*-.1619226 display ((100-35.4714)*-.1619226)/33.86689 *Graph Notes. *Source: Data are from the World Development Indicators and have been downloaded via wbopendata in STATA on March 17 2021. The sample is restricted to low income and lower-middle income countries. Both indicators have been averaged over the period 2000-2017. clear wbopendata, indicator(SH.STA.HYGN.ZS) clear long keep if countryname=="Low income" keep if sh_sta_hygn_zs!=. tsset year tsline sh_sta_hygn_zs, scheme(s1mono) legend(off) ytitle("Population with basic handwashing facilities (in %)")